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About BeeFlo Botanic

Plant flowers for bees and pollinators for better biodiversity.

Inspired by the tiny and humble honey bees, and awakened by the Australian bushfires, BeeFlo is established to promote planting flowers for bees and pollinators for better biodiversity as a start in 2020.

Located at Ma Wan, a beautiful island surrounded by trees and rich biodiversity. We treasure the interconnectedness of human and nature at this small island, an escape from the urban jungle city.

We dare to dream big for our next generations with the great energy fed by the Ma Wan community and other like-minded customers in HK and outside HK in the past 2 years.

We dream about growing a community of nature lovers, who love and know about nature, inspired by nature and collectively protecting nature will be our and our kids’ habit.

As we are new, we are still evolving, experimenting and learning to be part of the ecological society.